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knowledge to change the world

Phonology & Basic Grammar

Our Spoken English classes will help you learn new English vocabulary, refine your English pronunciation and make you communicate in real life situations. You will speak more naturally.

Basics of communication:
Introduction to communication. 
Building Powerful Vocabulary.
Learning sentence construction

English grammar in use:
Noun, pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Tenses, Preposition, Articles, Conjunction, Punctuation. Grammar usage in sentences

Public speaking skills:
Extempore and Group discussion. Email drafting, Business correspondence. Avoiding spelling mistakes and mispronunciations. Letter writing practice.

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Acquire Phonetic skills required for correct pronunciation of words and to spell them correctly, Acquaint learner with the modern English usage, Take remedial steps to correct the errors in learner’s language, Makes you aware of the peculiarities of the English language.